Our speakers Jill Twiss-McFadden of Quilted Memories in Montague, Kelly Kindt of Pressing Matters in Holland and Elizabeth Johnson of Birtles Fabrics of Zeeland.

What did we learn from these 3 shop owners?
Jill from quilted Memories learned to quilt from her Grandmother and from 4H. The name of her store came from a conversation about babies, quilts and memories. She carries a large variety of fabric, her own patterns, creative grids rulers and mats, Pfaff machines, and is always willing to help pick fabric or whatever a customer needs. Jill brought a favorite quilt she made, each store owner brought a wonderful gift that was given out.
Kelly learned to quilt from belonging to 4H. Her shop name comes from a conversation with a lady who refused to press after each seam and her blocks were just not working out, Kelly told her repeatedly that day that “Pressing Matters”. Some of us learn that the hard way. Kelly specializes in wool and civil war fabric and cross stitch, although she has lots of other fabrics, notions, samples and threads.
Elizabeth took over making baby quilts for family members when her Grandmother (a big influence in her quilting) no longer could make them. The name “Birtles” is her maiden name. They are a relatively new store and she and other family members run the store as Elizabeth still has young children at home. She started out as a mail order business only, but now has a store front and mail order. Elizabeth carries lots of character fabric, National Park fabric, all 365 Kona cotton shades, plus lots of blenders, modern and other fabrics.
daytime workshop with carol

Show and tell
Other fun things happening monday night
We also learned from out speakers about:
All michigan shop hop
There is a web page and a facebook page. A magazine, special fabric and patterns will be available at participating stores (82 stores I think they said).
The website is https://allmichiganshophop.com/