Lighthouse Quilt Guild

2024 November Learning Stations

It was time to return to quilt school on November 11 at Lighthouse Quilt Guild. The meeting was split into 5 groups, each with a “member teacher” leading the group on tips and tricks to make our quilting easier.

Barb demonstrated how to add a flange and piping to your binding.

Lorelle and Marilyn showed us how to make a Disappearing Nine Patch block, which turns easy blocks into a really quick quilt top.

Carol showed 10 ways to quilt your own quilt on your domestic sewing machine.

Elizabeth demonstrated how to “web a quilt together” saving time and ensuring accuracy on block placement and seam alignment.

Chris explained how to make a 16” flannel design boards. These boards are very useful in so many ways when constructing blocks, assisting in accuracy and saving time at your machine.

Our guild is a wealth of information, thank you “member teachers” for sharing this information and for making samples and hand outs.

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