Remember to click on each block to see the full image
I think the pictures tell it all, Pat did a great job in organzing everything, we had lots of light and lots of table space. Food was wonderful.
The Christian Reformed Conference Campground Food was so good Fun tree pattern Just peeking over, antoher great pattern See finished pillow below Looking like a professional quilter she wasn’t always smiling with this bag Very serious Lots of pumpkin square sewing great way to use a panel Modern wreath pattern Pretty squares are vintage aprons Lisa S. Cats Admire her points Great fabric with sharks Turquoise Queen More small piecing Making headway Pat was a wonderul organizer for the retreat Got a curve lesson another bag for a gift, very sturdy, fun fabric too Great blocks with fabric she won Helen trying to use up fabric Folded strip Pillow Joan’s bag with the following pocket pages Batik cat blocks Part of a runner, need to cut wonky Book Bags for Presents Sharks for a 3 year old shark lover fun baby quilt Tiny pieces, tiny pieces Great strip quilt One very large Pumpkin Quilt Great squares, so good to see you Sue Eventually all the pieces come together chicken salad, very good Very fun pattern Great batik fabrics May need to trim the edges One of 4 Elephants for Christmas Presents Elizabeth made herself a special apron
Great Pictures of a fun LHQG retreat! Thanks to all who made it happen.