Six libraries are participating – Coopersville Area, Gary Byker (Hudsonville), Georgetown, Herrick, Loutit, and Spring Lake. A Quilt Hop Library Card, punched by at least 3 participating libraries, will put you in the running for a $25 gift certificate from a local quilt shop. Highlights of the month include a special kickoff event featuring Marsha MacDowell of MSU with a Zoom program on The Quilt Index: Michigan & World Quilt History, classes, demos, mystery quilt blocks, free bookcase quilt pattern, and displays. This will be Thursday, March 3, at 6:30 via Zoom. Register via Quilt Hop Library
This is a great opportunity to support both our local libraries and Lighthouse Quilt Guild! We encourage you to attend demos by two of our own members:
Chris Hornby will talk about and demo English Paper Piecing at Loutit on Tuesday, March 8, at 6:00 p.m.
Karen Katje will talk about Quilt Fracturing at Spring Lake Library on Tuesday, March 29, at 2:00 p.m.
In addition, many of you know Claudia Squio of Colorway Arts, and she will be doing a presentation on Cartonnage at Loutit on Tuesday, March 29, at 6:30 p.m.
Link to free bookcase pattern
Don’t forget to left click on an image to see a larger picture.

Took us a while to remember how to hang the quilts. But we finally figured it out and got all the necessary parts.
Wonderful display of the talent in our guild at both libraries. Every member should plan to see these in person. Special appreciation to the hangers for their hard work!