Lighthouse Quilt Guild

2021 July Patricia Belyea took us on a Tour of the 2020 Tokyo Quilt Festival

Patricia’s shop is an on-line and brick-and-mortar shop that specializes in imported Japanese textiles, including yukata cottons. In addition, she designs innovative quilts and is noted for the unique curved piecing featured in her book, East Meets West (which is in our library).

Patricia took us on an insider tour of the 2020 Tokyo Quilt Festival, presenting highlights of this international quilt event. Our virtual tour continued to a traditional chusen-dyeing workshop to explain the hand-dyeing process for yukata fabric. Patricia finished with a show of her own quilts made with vintage Japanese cottons, and talked about how these special fabrics inspire her.  Many quilts can be seen by googling Tokyo Quilt Show.

The first picture is of the Japanese fish windsocks that Barb Post made from instructions on Patricia’s website using her Yukata cotton. See moving video on the Home Page.