Last September, 21 members of LQG turned in two fat quarters to Carol and Jackie. Each participant was given two fat quarters from someone else. Each participant had to create a BLOOM of an odd number of buds, blooms, flowers, etc., and be ready to share it at the guild meeting in May 2020…. That did not happen because of Covid.
However in September of 2020 everyone met outside to exchange.
You may click on a picture to see a larger view. Lots of pictures so give them time to load.
Very Proud Bloomers with their Blooms
Bullseye Bloom by Jackie
Nancy started with the green and light blue fabric of Susan’s. This pattern came from Turkish Delights book.
Joan and Geranium Bloom
Carol Makes a Five Blues Bloom
Jean S. and Violets Blooming (designed by Linda Casusee)
Kari made this wonderful 3 bloom tablerunner
Gargi H. designed Fantasy Flower Bloom
Barb D. used the two batiks to make Bloomin’ Batiks
Jill H. makes Purple Pansy Bloom from a Jenny Haskin design
Mary Jane R. made this lovely Posies in the Garden
Virginia T. was happy to receive the Posies in the Garden from Mary Jane
Arla wove the yellow and orange fabrics to create the background
Arla B gives this Bloom to Jean S
Convergence by Ricky Tims
Jemma was quite creative with Flowers in the Window
Julie N. put a lot flowers (27) on this wall hanging. Enchanted Garden
All 27 Blooms in this Enchanted Garden of Julie’s went to Gargi H.
Susan V. colorful Bloom is titled Spool Flowers
Kathy S. and her Happy Gerberas Bloom
Kathy B. Machine Embroidered this lovely Woodland Wreath
Chris H. Makes a Paper Pieced Bloom
Susan E. has lots of detail in her Moonlight on the Garden Bloom
Susan gives her bloom to Arla
Looks like there are two inserts for BLOOM Challenge.
Virginia Tallman with her mailbox and chickadees
Great to have the pictures though….nice job!